
Workshoppers study compositional technique with artist Cynthia Peterson

Composition is a thorny area for many painters.  Maybe that’s why the Tempe Artists Guild had a particularly large turnout for its February 25 workshop on composition with Cynthia Peterson.  Cynthia is a highly-skilled and very successful artist and teacher.  Those who attended got more than they bargained for.  We learned a lot about this important subject!  Cynthia took us on a journey that included history of art and theories that guide thinking about composition.  We practiced various compositional techniques.  In short, we got the benefit of a classroom teacher’s hard work in her composition class, boiled down to a day!  And we got to practice under the guidance of a dedicated and helpful teacher.  This was a great workshop experience.  TAG is hoping to schedule a second workshop with Cynthia Peterson, this one on color!