TAG's March speaker was mixed media artist Jennifer Krueger. Her goal is to connect the viewer to the spirit of the animals she depicts. She shared her work and generously critiqued member art.
Jennifer Krueger is a young mixed media artist whose accomplishments and wisdom go well beyond her years. She uses her own life and her passions and struggles as her palette. As an ever-evolving artist, she has created a world of mixed media wonder that blends spirituality, compassion for the earth and its creatures, textures, and color.
We were delighted to have her as our guest speaker for our March meeting, as much as we were happy to have the meeting in person instead of via Zoom. It was a wonderful meeting for everyone. The turnout was great. People were exchanging notes, fueled by the delicious snacks and coffee. We were all ears and eyes as Jennifer made a presentation about her art, its phases, the techniques she uses, what inspires her, etc.In the final part of the meeting, Jennifer kindly critiqued all the member art that we had brought along. Thoughtful, helpful comments that would hopefully elevate our art in future. Jennifer’s biography on her website (placed below) highlights her beautiful work.
Jennifer Krueger is a mixed media artist who specializes in wildlife paintings. She uses a multitude of mediums and techniques to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art that are truly unique to her style.
Jennifer is an intuitive artist and works in whatever mediums and textures she deems necessary for the piece. Her current personal work explores a multitude of mediums, textures, and Buddhism. She explores different techniques by following her gut. “I get an idea in my head, and I need to try it out. Whether or not it will work doesn’t matter; although so far, I have been pleasantly surprised.” One of her recent bodies of work consists of adhering watercolor paper and mat board to canvas and combining the mediums of watercolor, acrylic, ink, oils, and metallics. Her work has recently developed further into exploring personal history with her present-day practices in spirituality and Buddhism.
Jennifer strongly believes in connecting the viewer to the soul of the animal whose portrait she has painted. She believes that “once you can see yourself in the eyes of an animal, you have no other choice but to help them.” As an avid vegan, conservationist, intersectional environmentalist, and animal rights activist, Jennifer believes that art can not only bridge the gap between understanding other species but bring a new perspective and vision to how the world can evolve into a kinder more inclusive society. “Every animal has a place on this planet, and I feel it is not only my duty to educate people on the plight of these animals, but also to show them the depth of love and emotional richness all of these species have.”
Jennifer discusses ideas about art with members of the Tempe Artists Guild
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