
Opening Reception at the OneOhOne Gallery in Mesa

May 5, 2023 Opening Reception — Sue Norton Scott’s Observations


Looking, chatting, looking, chatting….


The animal sculptures were a hit with the young ones

The OneOhOne gallery filled with animated conversation as viewers arrived to enjoy the opening reception of TAG’s latest art exhibit.  With over seventy works created by twenty-two artists, the walls were covered with vibrant colors, unusual shapes, and engaging textures.  Traditional subjects such as landscapes, still lives, portraits, and wildlife were portrayed in innovative ways through acrylic, oil, mixed media, watercolor, photography, digital art, and sculpture.  A variety of abstract subjects brought engaging textures and shapes to the party while pianist Kenny Ingram provided lovely background music.Among the most memorable pieces were Mengyu Nie’s translucent pieces created using inkjet on glass, the mystical sculptural cats created by Janet Amiri, and 3-D textures on canvas by Sue Norton-Scott, complete with a QR code leading to a YouTube video of the artist discussing her work,.

A big benefit of having a TAG exhibit in the OneOhOne gallery was some new relationships.  Each artist was required to take at least one 3-hour shift during open exhibit hours during May (Fridays and Saturdays from 11AM to 2PM or 5PM to 8PM).  This was an opportunity for the artists taking shifts together to talk, share stories and compare art tips after welcoming visitors to the exhibition. For example, Kristin Dragos shared a slide show of her artworks just outside the gallery by projecting the images on a wall after dark.  Using her iPad and a small projector, she drew folks into the show in a completely new and creative way.

The success of this exhibition demonstrates that TAG can develop new ways of operating that serve our members.  Artists can do much of the exhibition preparation through our website:  signing up, paying the entry fee, selecting time slots for shifts, and uploading images for promotional purposes. Exhibition chair Doralee Ewing did a stunning job of organizing the project. We are becoming experts at presenting a wide variety of artwork in an accessible, engaging, and thoughtful manner.

Two other receptions will occur later in the month.  Friday, May 12 is the evening of Mesa’s Artwalk, and TAG will honor our scholarship recipients for art students at Mesa Community College.  The closing reception will occur on Saturday, May 30.  Both receptions are from 5 – 7 PM.

Without a doubt, our first exhibit at the OneOhOne Gallery marks a new way for TAG artists to show their works in a large, vibrant space to a wide audience.  Perhaps it will become a biannual event!


“Sweater Mug” by Kimberly Moon