Jeanette Lee


I began painting small figurines as a teenager and loved the peaceful feeling it gave me. I continued making crafts and painting other ceramics to sell at craft fairs for a number of years. I wanted to learn a new form of art and took up painting. After trying acrylic painting, I found oil paint to be my medium of choice. After witnessing a group of En Plein Air painters (Painting outside in plain air) at Teton National Park I was inspired to paint landscapes and try en plein air. I studied oil painting with Artist Gini Heywood and joined an En Plein Air group led by Artist Bruce Stam. I had the opportunity to travel to and explore some stunning locations for painting in the Valley of the Sun in Arizona. I continue to paint landscapes, animals, & flowers. I also paint in watercolor and gouache. I continue to sell my art in craft fairs. I participate and exhibit my artwork with other artists from The Tempe Artist Guild.


Oil, Watercolor, and Gouache

Contact me for more information about my work!  email: