TAG Presents: Art and Music Through a Humanities Lens

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Indulge in an unforgettable afternoon exploring visual and musical arts!

The Central Arizona Flute Ensemble (CAFE Flutes) will provide live music related to four works of fine art on display in Tempe Artist Guild’s Past, Present, and Future exhibition in the community room at the Tempe History Museum.

Art and Music Through a Humanities Lens, 2024

Experience the juxtaposition of paintings with live music. The program, facilitated by leading humanities professors, will build meaning and create dialogue about how artists and composers express their ideas and how audiences process them.This interdisciplinary event invites artist and audience participation!

The featured TAG artists are Becky Spradling, Gail Boyd, Tom Minor, and Sunni Kuraoka.

Dr. Janice Jarrett (ethnomusicologist) and Dr. Julie Codell (art historian) will lead the discussion to build meaning, create dialogue, and offer historical perspectives.  This presentation is funded by a grant from AZ Humanities.


Dr. Janice Jarrett (music) and Dr. Julie Codell (art)

Central Arizona Flute Ensemble


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