animal art

Kudos Korner with Gabrielle Theilmann

By |August 15th, 2023|animal art, Awards and Recognition, Birds, Composition, Debbie Erickson, Desert art, Exhibits, Gabrielle Theilmann, Herberger, Herberger Gallery, Kudos Korner, Liberty Wildlife, Recent Events of Note, Tempe Artists Guild|

Gabrielle Theilmann is both a talented artist and a skilled [...]

Current Exhibit at the Herberger Theatre Features 3 TAG artists!

By |August 14th, 2023|animal art, Awards and Recognition, Debbie Erickson, Debborah Charboneau, Desert art, Exhibits, Gary Vulcano, Herberger, Herberger Gallery, Recent Events of Note, TAG who we are, Tempe Artists Guild|

The Tempe Artists Guild must have just set some kind [...]

Kudos Korner with Debbie Ericksen

By |August 1st, 2023|animal art, Awards and Recognition, Debbie Erickson, Desert art, Exhibits, Herberger, Kudos Korner, OneOhOne Gallery, Recent Events of Note|

Debbie Ericksen is taking her art work seriously.  She offered [...]

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